+ How is CEMC governed?
+ What is the General Manager’s role?
+ What is the role of the members?
+ How can members ask questions or give voice to their concerns?
+ Can members attend meetings of the Board of Directors?
+ Are board members paid for their service?
+ Can members see the levels at which board and staff members are compensated?
+ The way Form 990 breaks down compensation is confusing … what do the columns mean?
+ Why are the board members compensated at the level they are?
+ Why does the board compensate the General Manager at the level they do?
+ Are other CEMC employees paid by the same standards?
A standardized employment and compensation process has been specifically designed to identify the fair market value of each position,promote fairness, and eliminate potential bias in employee compensation.  The intent of many organizations, and certainly CEMC, is to attract and retain high-quality employees committed to serving the membership at a high level.