Welcome to Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation

We offer an array of services that can help you keep your home safe and comfortable. We are available to give you tips on energy efficiency and safety, so that you can be sure you're getting the most from the energy you use. Energy Right Solutions from CEMC and TVA are designed to help you save money and gain efficiency in your home energy usage.
Board of Directors

Shela K. Williams, At-Large, Secretary-Treasurer; Tommy Whitaker, Sumner Co.,President; Wesley Aymett, Cheatham Co., Vice President; K. Jean Beauchamp, Robertson Co., Assistant-Secretary-Treasurer; David Morgan, Montgomery Co.; Michael A. Mason, Robertson Co.; Charles Hancock, Stewart Co.; Ed Oliver, Montgomery Co.; Joe H. Whitaker, Sumner Co.; Chris A. Davis, General Manager

Chris A. Davis, General Manager; Annebelle Chester, Manager of Administrative Division; Mark T. Cook, Manager of Broadband Division; David Abernathy, Manager of Engineering & Operations Division